What does go the extra mile mean?


Idiom Meaning:

do more than what is required to do


Examples of this Idiom in Movies & TV Shows:


Community “Documentary Filmmaking: Redux” (2011)

Time of Scene: n/a

Dean Pelton: And action.

Jeff Winger: Why go Greendale? Just because, just dean it! Dean machine. Got dean, got much, much got…

Dean Pelton: And cut. Oh, a star is born.

Jeff Winger: I suggested to the dean that we shoot my scenes in front of the Luis Guzman statue because the dean has no legal right to broadcast Guzman’s image, which means every shot will be unusable. I even put a call in to Guzman’s lawyers to alert them. I’m always willing to go the extra mile to avoid doing something.

Leonard: Like sex with women.

Jeff Winger: Shut up, Leonard, you smell like mentholyptus.


Breaking Bad “Live Free or Die” (2012)

Time of Scene: 00:40:00

Saul Goodman: Beg, borrow or steal, I’m your huckleberry. I go the extra mile. Only you never told me the kid would wind up in the hospital! You know – take that thing and get outta here. You and me, we’re done.

Walter White: We’re done when I say we’re done.


Law & Order “Vendetta” (2004)

Time of Scene: n/a

Jeffrey Bowerman: Donner was getting death threats from all over the country; people mailing him dead rats, dog crap, you name it.

Detective Lennie Briscoe: When you care enough to send the very worst.

Jeffrey Bowerman: The worst was the envelope full of white powder.

Ed Green: Ahh. We were wondering why the FBI was involved in this.

Jeffrey Bowerman: Standard procedure for all cases involving a suspected biological contaminant.

Ed Green: Which this wasn’t?

Jeffrey Bowerman: Baking soda isn’t lethal.

Detective Lennie Briscoe: Well, you never met my ex-wife.

Jeffrey Bowerman: Well, we went ahead and seized all the letters, cards, and packages, anyway. Catalogued ’em.

Detective Lennie Briscoe: Wow. A lot of people with too much time on their hands, huh?

Jeffrey Bowerman: We’ve got audio, too. I tapped Donner’s phone just to be safe.

Ed Green: For a case like this?

Jeffrey Bowerman: I felt sorry for him. Wanted to go the extra mile, help the guy out.

Detective Lennie Briscoe: You bet the other team.

Jeffrey Bowerman: Made out like a bandit. Donner may have been a schmuck to you guys, but he was a hero to us.



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Go the Extra Mile Idiom


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