What does greener pastures mean?


Idiom Meaning:

a more promising situation


Examples of this Idiom in Movies & TV Shows:


True Romance (1993)

Time of Scene: n/a

Clarence Worley: I’m not eatin’ ’cause I’m not hungry. I’m not sittin’ ’cause I’m not stayin’ I ain’t lookin’ at the movie ’cause I already seen it seven years ago. It’s The Mack with Max Julien, Carol Speed, and Richard Pryor. And I ain’t scared of you. I just don’t like you. In that envelope right there… it’s some payoff money. Alabama’s moving on to some greener pastures. We’re not negotiating. I don’t like to barter. What’s in that envelope right there is for my peace of mind. My peace of mind is worth that much. Not one penny more.

Drexl Spivey: It’s empty.

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Legally Blonde (2001)

Time of Scene: 00:32:00

Paulette: So what’s a girl to do? He’s a guy who followed his pecker to greener pastures. I’m a middle aged, high school drop out with stretch marks and a fat ass.


Holiday Inn (1942)

Time of Scene: 01:07:00

Jim Hardy: Lila’s back in New York. I got a letter from her yesterday.

Ted Hanover: What happened to her millionaire?

Jim Hardy: Slight mistake there. He didn’t own millions, he owed them.

Ted Hanover: Poor girl. Always straying to greener pastures and finding spinach


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Greener Pastures Idiom


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