What does quit while you’re ahead mean?


Idiom Meaning:

stop doing something that’s rewarding but has become too risky


Examples of this Idiom in Movies & TV Shows:


On Deadly Ground (1994)

Time of Scene: 00:27:00

McGruder: You’d better quit while you’re ahead, Hugh! Know what I’m saying? While you can still play marbles. Where are the disks? Where are the books?

Hugh Palmer: Fuck you!

McGruder: Fuck me? No, fuck you! Hugh.

Hugh Palmer: Go to hell!

McGruder: Okay. Okay. I’ll go to hell.


Wizards and Warriors (1983)

Time of Scene: n/a

Prince Dirk Blackpool: This situation is more intolerable to me than you can imagine. It would help if you could muster up some degree of sophistication.

Prince Erik Greystone: Dirk, why don’t you quit while you’re ahead? In the Rains of Death, skin melts.

Prince Dirk Blackpool: Obviously sophistication is beyond you, Erik. I trust the rest of you will make up for him?


Flicka (2006)

Time of Scene: 00:24:00

Rob McLaughlin:  I didn’t see the vet bill.

Nell McLaughlin: Does someone wanna grab this last burger?

Rob McLaughlin: How much?

Nell McLaughlin: You know what I’ve been thinking about lately? If quitters never win, why are you supposed to quit while you’re ahead?

Howard McLaughlin: Or, how good can a bedtime story be if it’s supposed to put you to sleep?

Nell McLaughlin: Right.

Rob McLaughlin: How much?

Nell McLaughlin: $1,648.32.

Rob McLaughlin: $1,600? That’s just unacceptable.

Nell McLaughlin: Well, I’ll speak to the horses.

Rob McLaughlin: I don’t remember my daddy ever giving horses shots. They were healthy, they took care of themselves. Ain’t that right, Gus?

Gus: Oh, sure. Back then, horses mucked their own stalls, nailed on their own shoes, even chipped in with the rent money.



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Quit While You're Ahead Idiom


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