Watch TV and Learn New Idioms

English idioms can be a real puzzle for English language learners. They often don’t make literal sense, and their meanings can be quite different from the words used in the expression. However, idioms are an essential part of the English language and culture, so mastering them is key to becoming fluent in English. Fortunately, learning idioms can be fun, and one great way to do so is by watching TV series and TV shows.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using television as a tool to learn idioms and offer some tips on how to do it effectively.


Learn English Idioms with TV Series
Learn English Idioms with TV Series | Photo by


TV Series and Shows Are Great for Learning Idioms

Real-life Context

One of the primary advantages of learning idioms from TV is that you get to see them used in real-life contexts. Unlike textbooks, TV shows and series provide idioms in the context of conversations, making it easier to understand their meaning and usage. You can observe how characters use idiomatic expressions in various situations, helping you grasp the subtleties of when and how to use them.

Exposure to Natural Language

TV series and shows feature authentic, colloquial language. This is especially valuable because idioms are often used in casual, everyday conversations. When you watch characters use idioms on TV, you’re exposed to the nuances of pronunciation, intonation, and body language that accompany these expressions. It’s a far cry from learning idioms in isolation, which can lead to awkward usage in real-life conversations.

Visual and Auditory Learning

Many people are visual or auditory learners, and TV series and shows cater to both preferences. You can see the idioms being used in action and hear how they’re pronounced and stressed in different contexts. This multi-sensory experience can reinforce your understanding and retention of idiomatic expressions.

Diverse Usage

TV offers a broad spectrum of characters and situations, which means you can encounter a wide range of idiomatic expressions. Different characters may have their own favorite idioms, and the context in which idioms are used can vary greatly. This diversity allows you to see how idioms fit into various conversational styles and character personalities.


How to Learn English Idioms with TV Series and TV Shows

Now that you understand why TV is a great resource for learning idioms, let’s discuss some practical tips for effectively incorporating this into your language learning routine.

1. Choose the Right Content

Selecting the right TV series and shows is crucial. Opt for shows that are suitable for your current level of English proficiency. If you’re a beginner, start with simpler, family-friendly shows or those with clear and slower speech. As you progress, you can explore more complex series with a variety of characters and accents. Additionally, choose shows that align with your interests, as this will make learning more enjoyable.

2. Use Subtitles

Using subtitles can be incredibly helpful, especially when you’re just starting. This allows you to read and hear the idioms simultaneously, reinforcing your understanding. As your English skills improve, you can gradually reduce your reliance on subtitles to challenge yourself.

3. Keep a Journal

Create a journal or notebook dedicated to idiomatic expressions you encounter while watching TV. Write down the idiom, its context, and its meaning. Over time, you’ll build a valuable reference guide for your idiom collection.

4. Practice with Friends

Engage in discussions about the TV shows you watch with friends or language exchange partners. Share the idioms you’ve learned and try to incorporate them into your conversations. This practical application will reinforce your comprehension and usage of idioms.

5. Revisit Episodes

Don’t hesitate to rewatch episodes of your favorite series. Repetition is a powerful tool for language learning. The more you see and hear idiomatic expressions, the better you’ll understand and remember them.

6. Seek Online Resources

Many websites and forums provide lists of idioms used in specific TV series and episodes. These resources can be handy for cross-referencing and further exploration. You can also find discussions about idiomatic expressions used in popular shows, allowing you to gain insights from other learners and native speakers.

7. Test Your Knowledge

Challenge yourself with quizzes and exercises related to the idioms you’ve learned from TV. This can be a fun way to reinforce your understanding and measure your progress.



Learning English idioms with TV series and TV shows is an engaging and effective way to master these expressions. By exposing yourself to real-life conversations, diverse usage, and a variety of contexts, you can become more proficient in using idiomatic expressions naturally.

Remember that the key to successful learning is consistent practice. So, grab your remote, select your favorite show, and start your journey toward mastering English idioms through the world of television. With dedication and the right approach, you’ll find that learning idioms can be not only educational but also highly enjoyable.

Happy watching!


Movie Idioms Blog

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